Lugaru Wolf

New in Epsilon 10

Epsilon 10 is now available. This page describes its new features. You can also see the features we added in older versions, or in Epsilon 11, Epsilon 12, Epsilon 13, or Epsilon 14. And here's how to order your update.

Epsilon 10 includes these operating system versions:

All versions share most customization files.

New Features

Some features are only available under certain operating system versions of Epsilon. WIN indicates a feature is available in both the 16-bit and 32-bit Windows versions of Epsilon. WIN32 indicates a feature is only available under Windows NT/2000 or Windows 95/98/ME. UNIX indicates a feature is only available under Linux or Unix.

Features for Programming

  • Epsilon includes new modes for Perl, PostScript, GAMS, Asm files, makefile and .mak files, .ini files, and Unix shell scripts and configuration files. It also recognizes some variations on existing modes, such as .idl files.

  • In C/C++/Java/EEL/Perl, Epsilon displays the current function's name in the window title or mode line. See the variable display-definition for details.

Perl mode.

List definitions in this buffer.
  • Alt-' displays the functions and variables defined in the current file, in all modes that implement tagging. You can select one and move there. See the list-definitions command.

  • Alt-i displays the #if conditionals in effect for the current line in C/C++/Java/EEL buffers. See the list-preprocessor-conditionals command.

File Handling

Running Programs

Moving Around



Command Line Flags


There are also many other minor improvements throughout the editor.

Here's how to order your update.

Last Updated: 20 October 2020