Lugaru's Epsilon
Editor 14.04

Epsilon User's Manual and Reference
   Primitives and EEL Subroutines
      Operating System Primitives
         System Primitives
         Window System Primitives
            WinHelp Interface
            Menu Bar Primitives
            Tool Bar Primitives
            Printing Primitives
         . . .

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Epsilon User's Manual and Reference > Primitives and EEL Subroutines > Operating System Primitives > Window System Primitives >

Tool Bar Primitives

toolbar_add_button(char *icon, char *help, char *cmd)

Several primitives let you manipulate the tool bar. They only operate in the Windows GUI version. The toolbar_create( ) primitive creates a new, empty tool bar. The toolbar_destroy( ) primitive hides the tool bar, deleting its contents. The toolbar_add_separator( ) primitive adds a blank space between buttons to the end of the tool bar.

The toolbar_add_button( ) primitive adds a new button to the end of the tool bar. The cmd parameter contains the name of an EEL function to run. The help parameter says what "tool tip" help text to display, if the user positions the mouse cursor over the button. The icon parameter specifies which icon to use. In this version, it must be one of these standard names:


Run the commands show-standard-bitmaps or show-view-bitmaps to see what they look like. Run the command standard-toolbar to restore the original tool bar.

user char want_toolbar;

Epsilon uses the want_toolbar primitive variable to remember if the user wants a tool bar displayed, in versions of Epsilon which support this.

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Lugaru Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.