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Operating System Primitives >
int time_ms()
time_begin(TIMER *t, int len)
int time_done(TIMER *t)
int time_remaining(TIMER *t)
The time_ms( ) primitive returns the time in
milliseconds since some arbitrary event in the past. Eventually, the
value resets to 0, but just when this occurs varies with the
environment. In some cases, the returned value resets to 0 once a
day, while others only wrap around after longer periods.
The time_begin( ) and time_done( ) primitives
provide easier ways to time events. Both use the TIMER
data type, which is built into Epsilon. The time_begin( )
primitive takes a pointer to a TIMER structure and a delay in
hundredths of a second. It starts a timer contained in the TIMER
structure. The time_done() primitive takes a pointer to a TIMER
that has previously been passed to time_begin( ) and returns
nonzero if and only if the indicated delay has elapsed. The
time_remaining( ) primitive returns the number of hundredths
of a second until the delay of the provided timer elapses. If the
delay has already elapsed, the function returns zero. You can pass
-1 to time_begin( ) to create a timer that will never expire;
time_remaining( ) will always return a large number for such a
timer, and time_done( ) will always return zero.
Also see the delay( ) primitive in Control Flow.
current_time_and_date(char *s)
The current_time_and_date( ) subroutine fills in the string
s with the current time and date. It uses the format specified by
the date-format variable.
struct time_info {
short year;
short month; /* 1-12 */
short day; /* 1-31 */
short hour; /* 0-23 */
short minute; /* 0-59 */
short second; /* 0-59 */
short hundredth;/* 0-99 */
short day_of_week; /* 0=Sunday ... 6=Saturday */
time_and_day(struct time_info *t_info)
The time_and_day( ) primitive requests the current time and day
from the operating system, and fills in the time_info structure
defined above. The structure declaration also appears in eel.h.
Notice that the
time_and_day( ) primitive takes a pointer to a structure, not
the structure itself. Here is an example command that prints out the
time and date in the echo area.
#include "eel.h"
command what_time()
struct time_info ts;
say("It's %d:%d on %d/%d/%d.", ts.hour, ts.minute,
ts.month,, ts.year);
Printing Primitives |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
Calling Windows DLLs |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.