Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
Epsilon User's Manual and Reference > Primitives and EEL Subroutines > Operating System Primitives > Window System Primitives > Printing Primitivesstruct print_options { In the Windows version of Epsilon, the select_printer( ) primitive displays a dialog box that lets the user choose a printer, select page numbers, and so forth. The flags and parameters are a subset of those of the Windows API function PrintDlg() . The
primitive returns zero if the user canceled printing, or nonzero if
the user now wants to print. In the latter case, Epsilon will have
filled in the height and width parameters of the provided
structure with the number of characters that can fit on a page of
text using the selected printer.The page_setup_dialog( ) displays the standard Windows page setup dialog, which you can use to set printer margins or switch to a different printer.
The print_window( ) primitive prints the contents of a special kind of Epsilon window. The window must have been created by calling create_invisible_window( ), passing it the desired dimensions of the window, in characters, and the buffer it should display. The create_invisible_window( ) primitive returns a window handle which can be passed to print_window( ). An EEL program can move through the buffer, letting different parts of the buffer "show" in this window, to accomplish printing the entire buffer. The invisible window may be deleted using the window_kill( ) primitive once the desired text has been printed.