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WinHelp Interface
These Windows-only functions support WinHelp files, on those older
Windows versions that can display them.
int win_help_contents(char *file)
The win_help_contents( ) primitive displays the contents
page of the specified Windows help file. If the file
parameter is "" , it uses Epsilon's help file, displaying help on
Epsilon. The function returns a nonzero value if it was successful.
int win_help_string(char *file, char *key)
The win_help_string( ) primitive looks up the entry for
key in the specified Windows help file. If the key parameter
is "" , it shows the list of possible keywords. If the
file parameter is "" , it uses Epsilon's help file,
displaying help on Epsilon. The function returns a nonzero value if
it was successful.
windows_help_from(char *file, int show_contents)
The windows_help_from( ) subroutine wraps the above two
subroutines. If there's a suitable highlighted region, it calls
win_help_string( ) to display help on the keyword text in the
highlighted region. Otherwise, it either displays the help file's
contents topic (if show_contents is nonzero), or the help file's
keyword index. The windows_help_from( ) subroutine also handles
tasks like displaying an error if the user isn't running Epsilon for
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Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.