Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
| Other New Primitives in Epsilon 10

New Color Primitives in Epsilon 10 |
Changes from Older Versions |
Changes to EEL Primitives and Subroutines in Epsilon 10 |
Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Changes from Older Versions >
New EEL Primitives and Subroutines in Epsilon 10 >
Other New Primitives in Epsilon 10
int muldiv(int a, int b, int c)
The muldiv( ) primitive takes its arguments and returns the value a
* b / c, performing this computation using 64-bit arithmetic. It's useful
in such tasks as showing "percentage complete" while operating on a large
buffer. Simply writing point * 100 / size() in EEL would use 32-bit
arithmetic as EEL always does, and on large buffers (over about 20
megabytes) the result would be wrong.
int find_c_func_info(char *type, char *class,
char *func, int stop_on_key)
The find_c_func_info( ) subroutine gets info on the function or
class defined at point in the current C-mode buffer, by parsing the buffer.
It sets class to the class name of the current item, if any, and func
to the function name if any. It sets type to "class" , "struct" ,
or "union" if it can determine which is appropriate. Outside a function
or class definition, the above will be set to "" . You may pass NULL for
any of the above parameters if you don't need that information.
If stop_on_key is nonzero, and the user presses a key while the function
is running, the function will immediately return -1 without setting the
above variables. Otherwise the function returns a bit pattern:
CF_INFO_TYPE if type was set non-empty; CF_INFO_CLASS
if class was set non-empty; and CF_INFO_FUNC if func was
set non-empty. In addition to zero, only these combination can occur:
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| • | • | |
| | | • |
| | • | • |
| • | • | • |
int isalnum(int c)
int isident(int c)
The isalnum( ) subroutine returns nonzero if the specified character
is alphanumeric: either a letter or a digit. The isident( )
subroutine returns nonzero if the specified character is an identifier
character: a letter, a digit, or the _ character.
int has_feature;
Epsilon provides the has-feature variable so an EEL function can
determine which facilities are available in the current environment. Bits
represent possible features. Often these indicate whether a certain
primitive is implemented.
| FEAT_ANYCOLOR | Epsilon can use all RGB colors, not just certain ones. |
| FEAT_GUI_DIALOGS | display_dialog_box( ) is implemented. |
| FEAT_FILE_DIALOG | common_file_dlg( ) is implemented. |
| FEAT_COLOR_DIALOG | comm_dlg_color( ) is implemented. |
| FEAT_SEARCH_DIALOG | find_dialog( ) is implemented. |
| FEAT_FONT_DIALOG | windows_set_font( ) is implemented. |
| FEAT_SET_WIN_CAPTION | set_window_caption( ) is implemented. |
| FEAT_OS_PRINTING | print_window( ) is implemented. |
| FEAT_WINHELP | win_help_string( ) and similar are implemented. |
| FEAT_OS_MENUS | win_load_menu( ) and similar are implemented. |
| FEAT_ANSI_CHARS | Does this system normally use ANSI fonts, not DOS/OEM? |
| FEAT_EEL_RESIZE_SCREEN | Does EEL code control resizing the screen? |
| FEAT_INTERNET | Are Epsilon's Internet functions available? |
| FEAT_SET_FONT | Can EEL set the font via variables? |
| FEAT_DETECT_CONCUR_WAIT | Can Epsilon learn that a concurrent process waits for input? |
New Color Primitives in Epsilon 10 |
Changes from Older Versions |
Changes to EEL Primitives and Subroutines in Epsilon 10 |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.