Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
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Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Primitives and EEL Subroutines >
Input Primitives >
Dialogs >
Standard Dialogs
short common_file_dlg(char *fname, char *title,
int *flags, int save,
?char *filt_str, ?char *cust_filter,
?int *filt_index)
short use_common_file_dlg(char *fname, char *title,
int *flags, int save)
int use_common_file_dialog()
Under Windows, the common_file_dlg( ) primitive displays the
Common Open/Save File Dialog. The fname parameter should be
initialized to the desired default file name; on return it will hold
the file name the user selected. The title parameter specifies
the title of the dialog window. Epsilon passes the flags
parameter to Windows; definitions for useful flag values appear in
codes.h. Windows modifies some of the flags before it returns from
the dialog. If the parameter save is nonzero, Epsilon displays
the Save dialog, if zero it uses the Open dialog. This primitive uses
the common-open-curdir variable to hold the directory that this
dialog should display.
The filter parameters let you specify the file types the user can
select; these are all passed directly to Windows. Epsilon normally
invokes common_file_dlg( ) through the
use_common_file_dlg( ) subroutine, which uses the filter
definitions from the file filter.txt to construct the
filt_str parameter. You can edit that file to add new
The parameter filt_str has the following format. It consists of
pairs of null-terminated strings. The first string says what to
display in the dialog, while the second is a Windows-style list of
file patterns, separated by semicolons. For example, the first string
might be "Fortran files" and the second string might be
"*.for;*.f77" . A final null character follows the last pair.
The use_common_file_dialog( ) subroutine examines the
want-common-file-dialog variable and other settings and tells
whether a command should use the common file dialog in place of
Epsilon's traditional file dialog.
find_dialog(int show)
find_dialog_say(char *text)
Under Windows, the find_dialog( ) primitive displays a
find/replace dialog, when its parameter show is nonzero. When its
parameter show is zero, it hides the dialog. While a find/replace
dialog is on the screen, the getkey( ) function returns certain
predefined keys to indicate dialog events such as clicking a button or
modifying the search string. The _find() subroutine defined in
search.e interprets these key codes to control the dialog. The global
variable find_data lets that subroutine control the contents
of the dialog.
When a find/replace dialog is on the screen, an EEL program can
display an error message in it using the find_dialog_say( )
primitive. This also adds an alert symbol to the dialog. To clear
the message and remove the alert symbol, pass a parameter of "" .
short window_lines_visible(int w)
The window_lines_visible( ) primitive returns the number of
lines of a given window that are visible above a find/replace dialog.
If the given window contains twelve lines, but a find/replace dialog
covers the bottom three, this function would return nine. If Epsilon
isn't displaying a find/replace dialog, the function returns the
number of lines in the given window.
int comm_dlg_color(int oldcolor, char *title)
In Epsilon for Windows, the comm_dlg_color( ) primitive lets
the user select a color using the Windows common color dialog. The
oldcolor parameter specifies the default color, and title
specifies the dialog's title. The primitive returns the selected
color, or -1 if the user canceled.
The about_box( ) primitive displays Epsilon's "About" box
under Windows. In other versions of Epsilon, it inserts similar
information into the current buffer. The about-epsilon
command uses this primitive.
Other Input Functions |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
Button Dialogs |
Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.