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Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Primitives and EEL Subroutines >
Control Primitives >
Starting and Finishing
do_save_state(char *file)
int save_state(char *file)
The do_save_state( ) subroutine writes the current state to the
specified file. It aborts with an error message if it encounters a
problem. It uses the save_state( ) primitive to actually write
the state. The primitive returns 0 if the information was
written successfully, or an error code if there was a problem (as
with file_write( )). Both change the extension to ".sta"
before using the supplied name.
The state includes all commands, subroutines, keyboard macros, and
variables. It does not include buffers or windows. Since a state
file can only be read while Epsilon is starting (when there are no
buffers or windows), only the default value of each buffer-specific
or window-specific variable is saved in a state file.
Pointer variables will have a value of zero when the state file is
loaded again. Epsilon does not save the object that is pointed to.
Spot variables and structures or unions containing pointers or spots
are also zeroed, but other types of variables are retrieved unchanged
(but see the description of the zeroed keyword in Global Definitions).
short argc;
char *argv[ ];
When Epsilon starts, it examines the arguments on its command line,
and modifies its behavior if it recognizes certain special flags.
But first it adds in the contents of the configuration variable
EPSILON, if this exists, putting this before any
actual command line parameters.
Epsilon looks for certain special flags, interprets them and removes
them from the command line. It then passes the remainder of the
command line to the EEL startup code in cmdline.e. That code
interprets any remaining flags and files on the command line. You can
add new flags to Epsilon by modifying cmdline.e. See Epsilon Command Line Flags for the meaning of each of Epsilon's flags.
Epsilon interprets and removes these flags from the command line:
| -k | Keyboard options | -m | Memory control |
| -s | Load from state file | -w | Directory options |
| -b | Load from bytecode file | -v | Video options |
Some of these settings are visible to an EEL program through
variables. See the load-from-state variable for the -b
flag, the state_file variable for the -s flag, the
want-cols and want-lines variables for the -vc and
-vl flags, and the directory-flags variable for the -w
All other flags, as well as any specified files, are interpreted by
the EEL functions in cmdline.e. They read the command line from the
argc and argv variables, already broken down into
words. The argc variable contains the number of words in the
command line. The argv variable contains the words
themselves. The first word on the command line, argv[0] , is
always the name of Epsilon's executable file, so that if argc is
2 , there was one argument and it is in argv[1] .
char *original_argv(int n)
The original_argv( ) primitive lets EEL code access Epsilon's
original command line arguments, including those interpreted
internally and not passed along to EEL code in the argv array,
and excluding those added by any EPSILON configuration variable.
Calling original_argv(1) returns the first command line argument,
original_argv(2) the second, and so forth. A null return value
indicates there are no more arguments. Calling original_argv(0)
returns the full path of Epsilon's executable.
when_restoring() /* cmdline.e */
early_init() /* cmdline.e */
middle_init() /* cmdline.e */
start_up() /* cmdline.e */
user char *version;
Epsilon calls
the EEL subroutine when_restoring( ) if it exists after
loading a state file. Unlike when_loading( ), this subroutine
is not removed after it executes. The standard version of
when_restoring( ) sets up variables and modes, and interprets
the command line. It calls several EEL subroutines at various points
in the process. Each does nothing by default, but you can
conveniently customize Epsilon by redefining them. (See The Name Table to make sure your extension doesn't interfere with
other extensions.)
The when_restoring( ) function calls early_init( ) just
before interpreting flags, and middle_init( ) just after.
It then loads files (from the command line, or a saved session),
displays Epsilon's version number, and calls the start_up( )
subroutine. (The version variable contains a string with the
current version of Epsilon, such as "9.0".) Finally, Epsilon
executes any -l and -r switches.
The when_restoring( ) subroutine calls the
apply_defaults( ) primitive before it calls early_init( ).
This primitive sets the values of window-specific and buffer-specific
variables in the current buffer and window to their default
char state_file[ ];
user char load_from_state;
The state_file primitive contains the name of the state file
Epsilon was loaded from, or "" if it was loaded only using bytecode
files with the -b flag. The load_from_state variable
will be set to 1 if Epsilon loaded its functions from a
state file at startup, or 0 if it loaded only from bytecode files.
After Epsilon calls the when_restoring( ) subroutine, it finishes
its internal initialization by checking for the existence of certain
variables and functions that must be defined if Epsilon is to run.
Until this is done, Epsilon can't perform a variety of operations
such as getting a key from the keyboard, displaying buffers, and
searching. The after_loading( ) primitive tells Epsilon to
finish initializing now. The variables and functions listed in
the table must be defined when you call
after_loading( ).
color_class standard_color;
color_class standard_mono;
user int see_delay;
user short beep_duration;
user short beep_frequency;
user char mention_delay;
char _display_characters[ ];
user buffer int undo_size;
buffer short *mode_keys;
user buffer short tab_size;
user buffer short case_fold;
buffer char *_display_class;
char *_echo_display_class;
user window int display_column;
window char _highlight_control;
window char _window_flags;
char use_process_current_directory;
user char leave_blank;
When Epsilon is about to exit, it calls the subroutine
finish_up( ), if it exists. (See The Name Table to
make sure your extension doesn't interfere with other extensions that
may also define finish_up( ).) Epsilon normally
redisplays each mode line one last time just before exiting, so any
buffers that it saved just before exiting will not still be marked
unsaved on the screen. However, if the leave_blank primitive
is nonzero, it skips this step.
Bytecode Files |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
EEL Debugging and Profiling |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.