Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
| EEL Debugging and Profiling
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EEL Debugging and Profiling
int name_debug(int index)
set_name_debug(int index, int flag)
Every command or subroutine in Epsilon's name table has an associated
debug flag. If the debug flag of a command or subroutine is nonzero,
Epsilon will start up the EEL debugger when the function is called,
allowing you to step through the function line by line. See Changing Commands with EEL. The name_debug( ) primitive returns the
debug flag for an item, and the set_name_debug( ) primitive
sets it.
char *get_profile()
Epsilon can generate an execution profile
of a section of EEL code. A profile is a tool to determine which
parts of a program are taking the most time. The
start_profiling( ) primitive begins storing profiling
information internally. Profiling continues until Epsilon runs out
of space, or you call the stop_profiling( ) primitive,
which stops storing the information. Many times each second, Epsilon
saves away information describing the location in the source file of
the EEL code it is executing, if you've turned profiling on. You can
use this to see where a command is spending its time, so that you can
center your efforts to speed the command up there.
Once you stop the profiling with the stop_profiling( )
primitive, you can retrieve the profiling information with the
get_profile( ) primitive. Each call returns one line of the
stored profile information, and the function returns a null pointer
when all the information has been retrieved. Each line contains the
name of an EEL source file and a line number within the file,
separated by a space. See the profile command for a more
convenient way to use these primitives. Functions that you've
compiled with the EEL compiler's -s flag will not appear in the
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Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.