Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04

Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Commands by Topic >
Simple Customizing >
Brief Emulation
Epsilon can emulate the
Brief text editor. The brief-keyboard command loads a
Brief-style keyboard map. To undo this change, you can use the
epsilon-keyboard command, which restores the standard keyboard
configuration (see Epsilon Key Assignments) . This
command only modifies those key combinations that Brief uses. Other
keys retain their Epsilon definition. The Brief key map appears in
the table.
In this release, Epsilon doesn't emulate a few parts of Brief. The
separate command for toggling regular expression mode is not present,
but you can type Ctrl-t within any searching command to toggle it.
Regular expressions follow Epsilon's syntax, not Brief's. Brief's
commands for loading and saving keyboard macro files aren't
implemented, since Epsilon lets you have an unlimited number of macros
loaded at once, not just one. Epsilon will beep if you press the key
of an unimplemented Brief emulation command.
In Brief, the shifted arrow keys normally switch windows. But
Epsilon adopts the Windows convention that shifted arrow keys select
text. In Brief mode, the Alt-arrow keys on the separate cursor pad
may be used to switch windows.
You can make Epsilon's display resemble Brief's display using the
set-display-look command. See Window Borders.

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.