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File Primitives >
More File Primitives
user buffer short modified;
int get_buf_modified(int buf)
set_buf_modified(int buf, int val)
int unsaved_buffers()
zeroed buffer char save_without_prompt;
int is_unsaved_buffer()
int buffer_unchanged()
char *get_file_read_kibitz()
Epsilon maintains a variable that tells whether the buffer was
modified since it was last saved to a file. The buffer-specific
variable modified is set to 1 each time the current buffer
is modified. It is set to 0 by the file_read( ),
file_write( ), new_file_read( ), and new_file_write( )
primitives, if they complete without error.
The get_buf_modified( ) and set_buf_modified( )
subroutines let you get or set the value of this variable for some
other buffer buf .
The unsaved_buffers( ) subroutine defined in files.e returns
1 if there are any modified buffers. It doesn't count empty
buffers, or those with no associated file names. If an EEL program
creates a buffer that has an associated file name and is marked
modified, but still doesn't require saving, it can set the
buffer-specific variable discardable_buffer nonzero to indicate
that the current buffer doesn't require any such warning. An EEL
program can set the buffer-specific save_without_prompt
variable nonzero for a buffer to have it silently saved without
prompting, whenever Epsilon checks for unsaved buffers.
The unsaved_buffers( ) subroutine calls the
is_unsaved_buffer( ) subroutine to check on an individual
buffer. It tells if the current buffer shouldn't be deleted, and
checks for the discardable_buffer variable as well as the
buffer-not-saveable variable and other special kinds of
The buffer_unchanged( ) primitive returns a nonzero value if
the current buffer has been modified since the last call of the
refresh( ) or maybe_refresh( ) primitives. It returns zero
if the buffer has not changed since that time. Epsilon calls
maybe_refresh( ) to display the screen after each command.
The get_file_read_kibitz( ) primitive returns an explanatory
message from the last time the current buffer was read, indicating why
Epsilon chose a particular line translation. See the
file-read-kibitz variable.
user buffer char *filename;
set_buffer_filename(char *file)
get_buffer_filename(char *fname)
The file reading and writing functions are normally used with the
file name associated with each buffer, which is stored in the
buffer-specific filename variable. To set this variable, use
the syntax filename = new value; . Don't use
strcpy( ), for example, to modify it.
The set_buffer_filename( ) subroutine defined in files.e
sets the file name associated with the current buffer. However,
unlike simply setting the primitive variable filename to the
desired value, this function also modifies the current buffer's name
to match the new file name, takes care of making sure the file name
is in absolute form, and updates the buffer's access "timestamp".
The bufed command uses this timestamp to display buffers
sorted by access time.
Some buffers such as dired buffers have an associated file
name, but since they aren't copies of files, they don't store it in
the filename variable. Call the get_buffer_filename( )
subroutine to copy the current buffer's associated file name to
fname , whether it's stored in filename or not.
user int errno;
file_error(int code, char *file, char *unknown)
char no_popup_errors;
File primitives that fail often place an error code in the
errno variable. The file_error( ) primitive takes an
error code and a file name and displays to the user a textual version
of the error message. It also takes a message to print if the error
code is unknown.
Under MS-Windows, the file_error( ) primitive pops up a message
box to report the error. If EEL code sets the
no_popup_errors variable nonzero, Epsilon will display such
messages in the echo area instead, as it does under other operating
int do_insert_file(char *file, int transl) /* files.e */
int write_part(char *file, int transl, int start, int end)
The do_insert_file( ) subroutine inserts a file into the
current buffer, like the insert-file command. The
write_part( ) subroutine writes only part of the current buffer
to a file. Each displays an error message if the file could not be
read or written, and returns either an error code or 0 .
locate_window(char *buf, char *file) /* buffer.e */
int buf_in_window(int bnum)
int is_buf_in_window(int bnum)
is_buffer_in_window(char *buf)
int count_windows_with_buf(int buf, int flags)
The locate_window( ) subroutine defined in window.e tries to
display a given file or buffer by changing windows. If either of the
arguments is an empty string "" it will be ignored. If a buffer with
the specified name or a buffer displaying the specified file is shown
in a window, the subroutine switches to that window. Otherwise, it
makes the current window show the indicated buffer, if any.
The buf_in_window( ) primitive finds a window that displays a
given buffer, and returns its window handle. It returns -1 if no
window displays that buffer.
The is_buf_in_window( ) subroutine is similar, but excludes
system windows. The is_buffer_in_window( ) subroutine takes
a buffer name instead of a buffer number. They both return the handle
of a non-system window displaying that buffer, or -1 if none.
The count_windows_with_buf( ) primitive returns the number of
windows displaying the buffer. The flag bit 1 makes it skip
system windows.
int delete_file(char *file)
The delete_file( ) primitive deletes a file. It returns
0 if the deletion succeeded, and -1 if it failed. The
errno variable has a code describing the error in the latter
int rename_file(char *oldfile, char *newfile)
The rename_file( ) primitive changes a file's name. It returns
zero if the file was successfully renamed, and nonzero otherwise. The
errno variable has a code describing the error in the latter
case. You can use this primitive to rename a file to a different
directory, but you cannot use it to move a file to a different disk.
int copyfile(char *oldfile, char *newfile)
The copyfile( ) primitive makes a copy of the file named
oldfile , giving it the name newfile , without reading the
entire file into memory at once. The copy has the same time and date
as the original. The primitive returns zero if it succeeds. If it
fails to copy the file, it returns a nonzero value and sets
errno to indicate the error.
int make_backup(char *file, char *backupname)
The make_backup( ) primitive does whatever is necessary to make
a backup of a file. It takes the name of the original file and the
name of the desired backup file, and returns 0 if the backup was
made. Otherwise, it puts an error code in errno and returns a
nonzero number. The primitive may simply rename the file, if this
can be accomplished without losing any special attributes or
permissions the original file has. If necessary, Epsilon copies the
original file to its backup file.
int get_file_read_only(char *fname)
int set_file_read_only(char *fname, int val)
int set_file_opsys_attribute(char *fname, int attribute)
The get_file_read_only( ) primitive
returns 1 if the file fname has been set read-only, 0 if
it's writable, or -1 if the file's read-only status can't be
determined (perhaps because the file doesn't exist). The
set_file_read_only( ) primitive sets the file fname
read-only (if val is nonzero) or writable (if val is zero).
It returns 0 if an error occurred, otherwise nonzero.
Under Unix, set_file_read_only( ) sets the file writable for the
current user, group and others, as modified by the current umask
setting (as if you'd just created the file). Other permission bits
aren't modified.
The set_file_opsys_attribute( ) primitive sets the raw
attribute of a file. The precise meaning of the attribute depends on
the operating system: under Unix this sets the file's permission
bits, while in other environments it can set such attributes as
Hidden or System. The primitive returns nonzero if it succeeds. See
the opsysattr member of the structure set by check_file( ) to
retrieve the raw attribute of a file.
int is_directory(char *str)
int url_is_a_directory(char *url)
int is_pattern(char *str)
The is_directory( ) primitive takes a string, and asks the
operating system if a directory by that name exists. If so,
is_directory( ) returns 1 ; otherwise, it returns 0 . The
url_is_a_directory( ) subroutine just calls
is_directory( ) on local files, but also handles file names that
start with scp: or ftp:. Since it may need to ask the remote system if
a URL names a directory, it may not return quickly. Also see the
check_file( ) primitive in File Properties, and the
remote_file_type( ) subroutine in Manipulating File Names.
The is_pattern( ) primitive takes a string,
and tells whether it forms a file pattern with wildcards that may
match several files. It returns 2 if its file name argument
contains the characters * or ? . These characters are always
wildcard characters and never part of a legal file name. The function
returns 1 if its file name argument contains any of the following
characters: left square-bracket, left curly-bracket, comma, or
semicolon. These characters can sometimes be part of a valid file name
(depending upon the operating system and file system in use), but are
also used as file pattern characters in Epsilon. It returns 3 if
the file name contains both types of characters, and it returns 0
if the file name contains none of these characters. (See the
file_match( ) primitive to retrieve file names matching a
user char file_pattern_wildcards;
#define FPAT_COMMA (1)
#define FPAT_SEMICOLON (2)
#define FPAT_CURLY_BRACE (8)
You can control which of the characters []{},; Epsilon
will consider a wildcard character in file patterns by setting the
file-pattern-wildcards variable. This affects the
do_dired( ), is_pattern( ), file_match( ),
dired_standardize( ), check_file( ), and is_directory( )
primitives. Each bit in the variable enables a different set of
FPAT_COMMA enables the , character,
FPAT_SEMICOLON enables the ; character,
FPAT_SQUARE_BRACKET enables recognizing [] sequences,
and FPAT_CURLY_BRACE lets Epsilon recognize
{} sequences. The default value enables all these
Character Encoding Conversions |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
File Properties |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.