Improvements to File-Handling Functions in Epsilon 13 |
Changes from Older Versions |
More Options for Running Programs in Epsilon 13 |
Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Changes from Older Versions >
EEL Programming Changes in Epsilon 13 >
Display-related Enhancements in Epsilon 13
The new define_color_class( ) primitive lets EEL code directly
define new color classes. It can also create anonymous color classes.
Modes where indentation doesn't affect highlighting rules can use the
new COLOR_IGNORE_INDENT macro to get better performance.
EEL can now define regions whose spots will automatically be deleted
when the region is. The modify_region( ) primitive now recognizes
the new MRAUTODEL code to enable this.
When building the mode line, Epsilon now calls any function whose name
starts with show_minor_mode_ ... to add
the name of any minor mode currently in effect. This makes it easier
for an extension to define a new minor mode.
The new buffer_color_scheme variable lets a buffer specify a
particular color scheme instead of the default one; it's similar to
the existing window_color_scheme.
The bprintf( ) family of functions now recognizes the flag
character ' to request commas in decimal numbers. For example,
the format string %'d formats the number 12345 as 12,345 .
And they now recognize the new %e sequence to interpolate the
text for an Epsilon error code.
The button_dialog( ) primitive now sets the variables key,
full_key, and key_is_button to indicate exactly how the user
responded to the dialog, in addition to returning a code saying which
option was selected.
The new disable_dialog_controls primitive variable lets EEL code
disable buttons and check boxes on a dialog under Windows.
The new count_windows_with_buf( ) primitive tells how many windows
display a certain buffer.
Improvements to File-Handling Functions in Epsilon 13 |
Changes from Older Versions |
More Options for Running Programs in Epsilon 13 |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.