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Switch to a hexadecimal view of the buffer.

The hex-mode command creates a second buffer that shows a hex listing of the original buffer. You can edit this buffer, as explained below. Press q when you're done, and Epsilon will return to the original buffer, offering to apply your changes.

These commands are available in hex mode:

A hex digit
(0-9, a-f) in the left-hand column area moves in the hex listing to the new location.

A hex digit
(0-9, a-f) elsewhere in the hex listing modifies the listing.

quits hex mode, removing the hex mode buffer and returning to the original buffer. Epsilon will first offer to apply your editing changes to the original buffer.

moves between the columns of the hex listing.

s or r
searches by hex bytes. Type a series of hex bytes, like 0a 0d 65, and Epsilon will search for them. S searches forward, R in reverse.

Ctrl-s or Ctrl-r
searches for text. It switches for the duration of the command to the original version of the buffer, then moves to the corresponding position in hex listing when you exit from searching.

prompts for a buffer offset as a hex number, then goes to that position.

toggles between the original buffer and the hex mode buffer, going to the corresponding position. This provides a convenient way to search for literal text: press t to return to the original buffer, use Ctrl-s to search as usual, then exit the search and press t to go back to the hex buffer.

prompts for a new character value and overwrites the current character with it. You can use any of these formats: 'A', 65, 0x41 (hex), 0b1100101 (binary), 0o145 (octal).

n or p
move to the next or previous line.

toggles the hex overwrite submode, which changes how Epsilon interprets keys you type in the rightmost column of the hex listing. In overwrite mode, printable characters you type in the rightmost column overwrite the text there, instead of acting as hex digits or commands.

For instance, typing "3as" in the last column while in overwrite mode replaces the next three characters with the characters 3, a, and s. Outside overwrite mode, they replace the current character with one whose hex code is 3a, and then begin a search.

To use hex mode commands from overwrite mode, prefix them with a Ctrl-c character, such as Ctrl-c o to exit overwrite mode. Or move out of the rightmost column with <Tab> or other movement keys.

shows help on hex mode.

More info:

Hex Mode

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Lugaru Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.