Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
Normal Buffer Display |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
Character Display |
Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Primitives and EEL Subroutines >
Display Primitives >
Normal Buffer Display >
Screen Dimensions
short screen_cols;
short screen_lines;
The screen_cols and screen_lines
primitives contain the number of columns and lines on Epsilon's main
display (the OS window's size, or the current terminal's size, as
appropriate). They are set when Epsilon starts up, using values
provided by the operating system (or, for the Windows version, by the
registry). Don't set these variables directly. Use the
resize_screen( ) primitive described below.
short want_cols;
short want_lines;
The want_cols and want_lines primitives contain the
values the user specified through the -vc and -vl switches,
respectively, described in Epsilon Command Line Flags. If these
variables are 0, it means the user did not explicitly specify the
number of lines or columns to display.
term_init() /* video.e */
term_cmd_line() /* video.e */
term_mode(int active) /* video.e */
Epsilon's standard startup code calls the subroutine
term_init( ) when you start Epsilon, and
term_cmd_line( ) when it wants to change Epsilon's window
size to match what the user specified on the command line. (It
changes sizes based on the command line after it restores any
saved session.) The term_mode( ) subroutine controls
switching when you exit Epsilon or run a subprocess. Its argument is
1 when entering Epsilon again (when a shell( ) call returns,
for example) and 0 when exiting.
resize_screen(int lines, int cols)
Use the resize_screen( ) primitive to tell Epsilon to display
a different number of lines or columns. It scales all the windows to
the new screen dimensions, and then sets the screen_lines and
screen_cols variables to the new screen size.
Normal Buffer Display |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
Character Display |
Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.