Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
| More Programming Enhancements in Epsilon 11

Highlights of Epsilon 11 |
Changes from Older Versions |
File Enhancements in Epsilon 11 |
Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Changes from Older Versions >
New Features in Epsilon 11 >
More Programming Enhancements in Epsilon 11
- The fill-c-comment command (now renamed to fill-comment)
now works in more modes, including PostScript & Python.
- In Perl mode, a "here document" can now
indicate that its contents should be syntax highlighted in a different
language, by specifying a terminating string with an extension. At
the moment the extensions .tex and .html are recognized. So for
example a here document that begins with
<<"end.html" will be
colored as HTML.
- In Epsilon the default tab size is now 8. As a result the
c-tab-override variable has been set to zero by default.
- In some modes, typing closing delimiters like
) or ]
inside comments or strings no longer produces a warning about an
unmatched delimiter.
- Commands like forward-ifdef that recognize preprocessor
conditionals now treat
#asm and #endasm like other
- C mode includes new customization variables
c-indent-after-namespace and fill-c-comment-plain.
- C-mode tagging now tags enums and works better with Java files
(in addition to other parsing improvements).
- TeX mode coloring now recognizes the
\( \)
construct. The new tex-close-environment command on Alt-Shift-Z
makes it easier to write LaTeX; it searches for the previous unmatched
\begin directive and inserts a matching \end
Highlights of Epsilon 11 |
Changes from Older Versions |
File Enhancements in Epsilon 11 |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.