Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
Epsilon User's Manual and Reference > Epsilon Extension Language > Expressions > Assignment Operatorsexpression:expression = expressionexpression modify-operator expression modify-operator: += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= The plain assignment operator = takes an lvalue (see Constants and Identifiers) as its first operand. The object referred to
by the lvalue is given the value of the second operand. The types of
the operands may both be numbers, spots, pointers to the same type of
object, or compatible structures. If the first operand is a pointer
or spot and the second is the constant zero, the pointer or spot is
made null. The value of the expression is the new value of the first
operand, and it has the same type.
The other kinds of assignment operators are often used simply as
abbreviations. For example, if
For example, suppose
The result of all these assignment statements is the new value of the
first operand, and will have the same type. The special rules for
mixing pointers and ints with the