Epsilon's Default Key Assignments

This document lists Epsilon's built-in EMACS-style key assignments. Epsilon also offers Brief-style key assignments. Of course, Epsilon's key assignments are fully customizable from within the editor.

After these key tables, you'll find an explanation of their format. Each command is linked to its description.

Help Commands

F1                              help
F1 A                            apropos
F1 K                            describe-key
F1 C                            describe-command
F1 R                            describe-variable
F1 B, F5                        show-bindings
F1 Q, F6                        what-is
F1 L                            show-last-keys
F1 V                            about-epsilon
F1 I                            info
F1 Ctrl-C                       info-goto-epsilon-command
F1 Ctrl-K                       info-goto-epsilon-key
F1 Ctrl-V                       info-goto-epsilon-variable
F1 F                            epsilon-info-look-up
F1 H                            epsilon-html-look-up
F1 W                            epsilon-manual


Alt-/                           set-bookmark
Alt-J                           jump-to-last-bookmark
Ctrl-X /                        set-named-bookmark
Ctrl-X J                        jump-to-named-bookmark


Ctrl-X B                        select-buffer
Ctrl-X K                        kill-buffer
Ctrl-X Ctrl-B                   bufed
F12, Ctrl-X >                   next-buffer
F11, Ctrl-X <                   previous-buffer
Ctrl-<Minus>                    switch-buffers

Commenting Commands

Ctrl-C Ctrl-R                   comment-region
Alt-;                           indent-for-comment
Ctrl-X ;                        set-comment-column
Alt-<Minus> Ctrl-X ;            kill-comment

Comparing Commands

Ctrl-F2                         compare-windows


Ctrl-X Ctrl-F                   find-file
Ctrl-X Ctrl-V                   visit-file
Ctrl-X Ctrl-S                   save-file
Ctrl-X Ctrl-W                   write-file
Ctrl-F7                         copy-to-file
Ctrl-X I                        insert-file
Ctrl-X W                        write-region
Alt-F9                          print-buffer
Shift-F9                        print-region
Alt-~                           change-modified
F7                              cd
Ctrl-X D                        dired
Alt-o                           quick-dired-command
Ctrl-X S                        save-all-buffers
Ctrl-X Ctrl-L                   find-linked-file


Ctrl-X F                        set-fill-column
Alt-Q                           fill-paragraph
Alt-Shift-Q                     fill-indented-paragraph


Alt-M                           to-indentation
<Tab>                           indent-previous
Shift-<Tab>                     back-to-tab-stop
Ctrl-X <Tab>                    indent-rigidly
Ctrl-Alt-\                      indent-region
Alt-S                           center-line
Ctrl-X Alt-<Tab>                tabify-region
Ctrl-X Alt-I                    untabify-region
Alt-<Tab>                       indent-under

Inserting and Deleting

"Normal Keys"                   normal-character
Ctrl-Q                          quoted-insert
Alt-#                           insert-ascii
Ctrl-O                          open-line
<Backspace>                     backward-delete-character
Ctrl-D, <Del>                   delete-character
Alt-\                           delete-horizontal-space
Ctrl-X Ctrl-O                   delete-blank-lines
<Ins>                           overwrite-mode

Display Commands

Ctrl-F6                         set-show-graphic
Shift-F5                        change-show-spaces

Key Bindings

Alt-X, F2                       named-command
Alt-F2                          show-menu
F4                              bind-to-key
<Esc>                           alt-prefix
Ctrl-^                          ctrl-prefix

Keyboard Macros

Ctrl-X (                        start-kbd-macro
Ctrl-X )                        end-kbd-macro
Ctrl-X E, Ctrl-F4               last-kbd-macro
Ctrl-X Alt-N                    bind-last-macro
Shift-F4                        pause-macro

Killing and Yanking

Ctrl-@, Alt-@                   set-mark
Ctrl-X Ctrl-H                   highlight-region
Ctrl-X Ctrl-X                   exchange-point-and-mark
Ctrl-K                          kill-line
Ctrl-W                          kill-region
Alt-W                           copy-region
Ctrl-Y                          yank
Alt-Y                           yank-pop
Ctrl-Alt-W                      append-next-kill
Ctrl-X #                        mark-rectangle
Ctrl-X X                        copy-to-scratch
Ctrl-X Y                        insert-scratch


Ctrl-G                          abort
Ctrl-X Ctrl-C                   exit
Ctrl-X Ctrl-Z                   exit-level
Ctrl-U                          argument
Ctrl-X =                        show-point
Ctrl-X L                        count-lines
Ctrl-X G                        goto-line
Alt-G                           jump-to-column

Moving Around

Ctrl-A, Alt-<Left>              beginning-of-line
Ctrl-E, Alt-<Right>             end-of-line
Ctrl-N, <Down>                  down-line
Ctrl-P, <Up>                    up-line
Ctrl-F, <Right>                 forward-character
Ctrl-B, <Left>                  backward-character
Ctrl-L                          center-window
Ctrl-V, <PgDn>                  next-page
Alt-V, <PgUp>                   previous-page
Ctrl-Z                          scroll-up
Alt-Z                           scroll-down
Alt-{                           scroll-left
Alt-}                           scroll-right
Alt-<, Ctrl-<Home>              goto-beginning
Alt->, Ctrl-<End>               goto-end
<Home>, Alt-,                   beginning-of-window
<End>, Alt-.                    end-of-window


Alt-], Alt-<Down>               forward-paragraph
Alt-[, Alt-<Up>                 backward-paragraph
Alt-H                           mark-paragraph

Parenthetic Expressions

Alt-)                           find-delimiter
Ctrl-Alt-F                      forward-level
Ctrl-Alt-B                      backward-level
Ctrl-Alt-K                      kill-level
Alt-<Del>                       backward-kill-level
Language modes: ), }, ]         show-matching-delimiter


Alt-'                           list-definitions
Alt-i                           list-preprocessor-conditionals
F3, Ctrl-<Up>                   pull-word
Ctrl-<Down>                     pull-word-fwd

Running Programs

Ctrl-X Ctrl-E                   push
Ctrl-X Ctrl-M                   start-process
Ctrl-C Ctrl-C                   stop-process
Shift-F3                        view-process
Alt-F3                          compile-buffer
Ctrl-X M                        make
Ctrl-X Ctrl-N                   next-error
Ctrl-X Ctrl-P                   previous-error
Shift-F8                        view-web-site
Alt-|                           filter-region
Alt-!                           shell-command


Alt-E                           forward-sentence
Alt-A                           backward-sentence
Alt-K                           kill-sentence

Searching & Replacing

Ctrl-S                          incremental-search
Ctrl-R                          reverse-incremental-search
Ctrl-Alt-S                      regex-search
Ctrl-Alt-R                      reverse-regex-search
Alt-F7                          grep
Ctrl-X Ctrl-N                   next-match
Ctrl-X Ctrl-P                   previous-match
Alt-&                           replace-string
Alt-R, Alt-%                    query-replace
Alt-*                           regex-replace
Shift-F7                        file-query-replace
Within any search or replace command, the following keys toggle the indicated mode:
Ctrl-W                          word mode
Ctrl-T                          regular expression mode
Ctrl-C                          case sensitive mode
Ctrl-O                          incremental mode




Ctrl-X <Period>                 goto-tag
Ctrl-X <Comma>                  pluck-tag
Ctrl-X Alt-<Period>             tag-files
Ctrl-X Alt-<Comma>              select-tag-file
Ctrl-X <NumPlus>                next-tag
Ctrl-X <NumMinus>               previous-tag


Ctrl-T                          transpose-characters
Alt-T                           transpose-words
Ctrl-X Ctrl-T                   transpose-lines


F9, Ctrl-X U                    undo
F10, Ctrl-X R                   redo
Ctrl-F9, Ctrl-X Ctrl-U          undo-changes
Ctrl-F10, Ctrl-X Ctrl-R         redo-changes

Variables & Extensions

F8                              set-variable
Ctrl-F8                         show-variable
Alt-F8                          edit-variables
Ctrl-F3                         write-state


Ctrl-X 1                        one-window
Ctrl-X 2                        split-window
Ctrl-X 5                        split-window-vertically
Ctrl-X 0                        kill-window
Ctrl-X Z                        zoom-window
Ctrl-X <Arrow key>              move-to-window
Ctrl-X N                        next-window
Ctrl-X P                        previous-window
Ctrl-X <Plus>                   enlarge-window-interactively
Ctrl-X <Minus>                  shrink-window-interactively
Ctrl-<PgUp>                     enlarge-window
Ctrl-<PgDn>                     shrink-window
Alt-<PgUp>                      page-left
Alt-<PgDn>                      page-right

Word Commands

Alt-F, Ctrl-<Right>             forward-word
Alt-B, Ctrl-<Left>              backward-word
Alt-<Backspace>                 backward-kill-word
Alt-D                           kill-word
Alt-T                           transpose-words
Alt-C                           capitalize-word
Alt-L                           lowercase-word
Alt-U                           uppercase-word

Format of the Tables

The first column of these tables shows a key or keys, and the second column gives the name of the command that it runs. Since the command names are usually fairly descriptive, this should give you a rough idea of the many commands available in Epsilon, though you can always follow the link to see how Epsilon's on-line help describes the command.

There are also a variety of commands not normally attached to any key. (Whether or not a command is attached to a key, you can always run it by giving its name.) While a few appear in the tables above, most don't. Some of these commands are variants of existing commands, while others are rarely used commands. You can see a complete list of all Epsilon commands.

Last Updated: 1 October 2009