Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 15b1
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PHP Mode
Epsilon automatically enters PHP mode
when you read a file with an extension of .php, .php3, .php4, or
.sphp. In PHP mode, Epsilon does appropriate syntax highlighting,
tagging, and similar tasks. PHP mode is almost identical to HTML
mode. (See HTML/XML/CSS Modes.) In both, codes such as <?
?> mark PHP scripting, and text outside of these markers is treated
as HTML.
When the cursor is on a brace, bracket, or parenthesis in PHP code,
Epsilon will try to locate its matching brace, bracket, or
parenthesis, and highlight them both. If the current character has no
match, Epsilon will not highlight it. Set the variable
auto-show-php-delimiters to zero to disable this feature.
When you use the indent-for-comment command to insert a
comment, the php-comment-style variable controls which type of
comment Epsilon inserts. The value 1 (the default) inserts
# , the value 2 inserts // , and any other value inserts
/* .
PHP mode's automatic indentation features use a modified version of C
mode. See C Mode for information on customizing
indentation. PHP uses a different set of customization variables whose
names all start with php- instead of c- but work the same as
their C mode cousins. These include php-align-contin-lines,
php-brace-offset, php-closeback,
php-contin-offset, php-label-indent,
php-reindent-previous-line, php-top-braces,
php-top-contin, php-top-struct, and
php-topindent. Set php-indent to change how many columns
Epsilon adds for each indentation level. The
php-top-level-indent variable sets the indentation of PHP code
outside any function definition.
PHP's syntax highlighting shares its color classes with Perl mode.
The color class perl-comment , for instance, defines the color of
comments in both languages.
A PHP here document can indicate that its contents should be syntax
highlighted in a different language, by specifying a terminating
string with an extension. At the moment the extensions .tex and .html
are recognized. So for example a here document that begins with
<<"end.html" will be colored as HTML. Epsilon also tries to
auto-detect when a here document contains HTML. See the
php-heredoc-syntax variable.
Standard bindings:
Epsilon Programmer's Editor 15b1 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2022 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.