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Perl Mode
Epsilon automatically enters Perl
mode when you read a file with an extension of .perl, .pm, .al, .ph,
or .pl (or when you read a file with no extension that starts with a
#! line mentioning Perl). The compile-buffer command
uses the compile-perl-cmd variable in this mode.
Epsilon includes a perldoc command that you can use to read Perl
documentation. It runs the command of the same name and displays the
result in a buffer. You can double-click on a reference to another
perldoc page, or press <Enter> to follow a reference at point,
or press m to be prompted for another perldoc topic name.
Epsilon's syntax highlighting uses the perl-comment color
for comments and POD documentation, the perl-function color
for function names, and the perl-variable color for variable
Epsilon uses the perl-constant color for numbers, labels,
the simple argument of an angle operator such as <INPUT> , names
of imported packages, buffer text after __END__ or __DATA__ ,
here documents, format specifications (apart from any variables and
comments within), and the operators my and local .
A here document can indicate that its contents should be syntax
highlighted in a different language, by specifying a terminating
string with an extension. At the moment the extensions .tex and .html
are recognized. So for example a here document that begins with
<<"end.html" will be colored as HTML. Epsilon also tries to
auto-detect when a here document contains HTML. See the
perl-heredoc-syntax variable.
Epsilon uses the perl-string color for string literals of
all types (including regular expression arguments to s/// , for
instance). Interpolated variables and comments are colored
appropriately whenever the string's context permits interpolation.
Epsilon uses the perl-keyword color for selected Perl
operators (mostly those involved in flow control, like foreach or
goto, or with special syntax rules, like tr or format), and modifiers
like /x after regular expressions.
Perl mode's automatic indentation features use a modified version of
C mode. See C Mode for information on customizing
indentation. Perl uses a different set of customization variables
whose names all start with perl- instead of c- but work the
same as their C mode cousins. These include
perl-align-contin-lines, perl-brace-offset,
perl-closeback, perl-contin-offset,
perl-label-indent, perl-top-braces,
perl-top-contin, perl-top-struct, and
perl-topindent. Set perl-tab-override if you want
Epsilon to assume that tab characters in Perl files aren't always 8
characters wide. Set perl-indent if you want to use an
indentation in Perl files that's not equal to one tab stop. Set
reindent-perl-comments to keep indent-region from
reindenting comments.
When the cursor is on a brace, bracket, or parenthesis, Epsilon will
try to locate its matching brace, bracket, or parenthesis, and
highlight them both. If the current character has no match, Epsilon
will not highlight it. Set the variable
auto-show-perl-delimiters to zero to disable this feature.
When you yank blocks of text into a buffer in Perl mode, Epsilon can
automatically reindent it. See the variable
reindent-after-perl-yank to enable this behavior. Some Perl
syntax is sensitive to indentation, and Epsilon's indenter may change
the indentation, so you should examine yanked text to make sure it
hasn't changed.
If you run Perl's debugger inside Epsilon's process buffer under
Windows, the following environment variable settings are recommended:
set PERLDB_OPTS=ReadLine=0 ornaments=''
set EMACS=yes
Standard bindings:

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.00 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2020 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.