Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04

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Visual Basic Mode
automatically enters Visual Basic mode when you read a file with an
extension of .vb, .bas, .frm, .vbs, .ctl, or .dsr (plus certain
.cls files as well). In Visual Basic mode, Epsilon does appropriate
syntax highlighting, smart indenting, tagging, and comment filling.
When the cursor is on a brace, bracket, or parenthesis, Epsilon will
try to locate its matching brace, bracket, or parenthesis, and
highlight them both. If the current character has no match, Epsilon
will not highlight it. Set the variable
auto-show-vbasic-delimiters to zero to disable this feature.
Set the vbasic-indent variable to alter the level of
indentation Epsilon uses. Set vbasic-indent-subroutines to
change Epsilon's indenting style. Set the
vbasic-indent-with-tabs variable nonzero if you want Epsilon to
indent using a mix of tab characters and spaces, instead of just
When you yank blocks of text into a buffer in Visual Basic mode,
Epsilon can automatically reindent it. See the variable
reindent-after-vbasic-yank to enable this behavior.
The vbasic-reindent-previous-line variable controls whether
pressing <Enter> to insert and indent a new line also reindents
the existing one.
The vbasic-language-level variable lets you customize which
Visual Basic keywords Epsilon colors.
Standard bindings:
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Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.