Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04
| Moving Text Between Buffers

Changing Buffer Contents |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
Getting Text from a Buffer |
Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Primitives and EEL Subroutines >
Buffer Primitives >
Moving Text Between Buffers
xfer(char *buf, int from, int to)
buf_xfer(int bnum, int from, int to) /* buffer.e */
raw_xfer(int bnum, int from, int to)
buf_xfer_colors(int bnum, int from, int to)
grab_buffer(int bnum) /* buffer.e */
The xfer( ) subroutine transfers characters from one buffer
to another. It copies the characters between from and to in
the current buffer and inserts them at point in the named buffer. It
positions the mark in the named buffer just before the inserted
characters, and positions its point right after the insertion.
The current buffer doesn't change. The buf_xfer( )
subroutine works similarly, but accepts a buffer number instead of a
name. Both use the raw_xfer( ) primitive to transfer the
The buf_xfer_colors( ) subroutine is
like buf_xfer( ), but copies any colors set by
set_character_color( ) as well. Often it's used following a call
to the recolor_buffer_range( ) subroutine, which applies the
current mode's coloring rules to a range of the buffer, but it can be
used alone if the buffer's coloring was set in a different way.
The grab_buffer( ) subroutine copies text in the other
direction. It inserts the text of buffer number bnum into the
current buffer before point, setting the mark before the inserted
Changing Buffer Contents |
Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
Getting Text from a Buffer |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.