Lugaru's Epsilon
Editor 14.04

Epsilon User's Manual and Reference
   Changes from Older Versions
      Major New Features in Epsilon 14
         . . .
         MacOS/Linux/FreeBSD-Specific Changes in Epsilon 14
         New Default Values and Bindings in Epsilon 14
         File Variables in Epsilon 14
         Language Mode Improvements in Epsilon 14
         Other Enhancements in Epsilon 14
         . . .
      EEL Programming Changes in Epsilon 14
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New Default Values and Bindings in Epsilon 14  Changes from Older Versions   Language Mode Improvements in Epsilon 14

Epsilon User's Manual and Reference > Changes from Older Versions > Major New Features in Epsilon 14 >

File Variables in Epsilon 14

Many variables that control indenting rules and other features have been made buffer-specific, so they can have a different value in each buffer. These are: auto-fill-comment-rules, c-access-spec-offset, c-align-break-with-case, c-align-contin-lines, c-align-contin-max-offset, c-align-contin-max-width, c-align-extra-space, c-align-inherit, c-align-open-paren, c-align-selectors, c-auto-fill-mode, c-biggest-declarator, c-brace-offset, c-case-offset, c-contin-offset, c-delete-trailing-spaces, c-fill-column, c-indent-after-extern-c, c-indent-after-namespace, c-label-indent, c-param-decl, c-reindent-previous-line, c-tab-always-indents, c-top-braces, c-top-contin, c-top-struct, c-top-template, Closeback, comment-repeat-indentation-lines, css-indent, fill-c-comment-plain, html-indent, html-style-rules, indent-preprocessor-contin, java-indent, Matchdelim, new-c-comments, php-top-level-indent, python-indent, recognize-password-prompt, reindent-c-comments, reindent-c-preprocessor-lines, reindent-one-line-c-comments, reindent-perl-comments, tcl-indent, Topindent, vhdl-indent, xml-indent.

Files can use a special syntax to tell Epsilon the appropriate settings for editing that specific file (for instance, the tab size or mode to use); these are called file variables. Now, instead of only using a fixed list of known file variable names, Epsilon lets any numeric buffer-specific variable be used as a file variable, including all the ones listed above. That also means if an extension defines a new numeric buffer-specific variable, it can immediately be used as a file variable.

Epsilon's file variables feature now loads any .epsilon_vars file in its customization directory and applies its settings to all files. Settings in per-directory .epsilon_vars files have precedence, as do file variables set by individual files. You can now tell Epsilon to search a file's hierarchy for an .epsilon_vars file in a parent directory by setting use-file-variables.

All .epsilon_vars files can now use Basenames blocks to more conveniently apply rules to files by their basename, not just their extension or full path. File variables can now be defined in terms of other file variables, including simple expressions.

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New Default Values and Bindings in Epsilon 14  Changes from Older Versions   Language Mode Improvements in Epsilon 14

Lugaru Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.